YIIM in cooperation with Insight Investments Management Company Provide Scholarships to LPP Yogyakarta Polytechnic Students

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YIIM in cooperation with Insight Investments Management Company Provide Scholarships to LPP Yogyakarta Polytechnic Students

The Foundation of Inspiration for Indonesia Development or known as Yayasan Inspirasi Indonesia Membangun (YIIM) in cooperation with Insight Investments Management Company (Insight IM) through the education program back to provides Inspiration Scholarships to LPP Yogyakarta Polytechnic students. This Inspiration Scholarship is also a form of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) or corporate social responsibility (CSR) from Insight IM to help underprivileged high-achieving students who are also active and have high social awareness both on campus and off campus.

On Tuesday, September 17th 2024, LPP Yogyakarta Polytechnic held an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) for the 2024/2025 Academic Year. The event took place at the Auditorium Building of PT LPP Agro Nusantara, Yogyakarta. On this occasion, Tri Retnoningrum as the Head of Service Office 10 of the Plantation Pension Fund (DAPENBUN) was present representing the DAPENBUN Board of Directors to symbolically hand over scholarships to two selected students. The students are Ananda Putri Novivanesa (D4 Plantation Management) and Azra Samaratul Qolbi (D4 Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology).

Since 2018 until this year, there have been a total of 22 students of the Yogyakarta LPP Polytechnic who have been given educational scholarships. Billy Yanuar Fadilla is one of the YIIM and Insight IM scholarship recipients who has benefited from the Inspiration Scholarship. He is the best graduate of 2019 representing the Diploma 3 Plantation Cultivation Study Program (GPA 3.91). Billy is currently working at Bumitama Gunajaya Agro Company. During his studies, Billy was often involved in social activities with YIIM, namely the Inspiration Discussion in 2020. 

We all hope that this scholarship program can produce quality and competent human resources for the plantation industry in Indonesia. This education program is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Number 4 concerning support for quality education. YIIM is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people from various backgrounds, founded by social and humanitarian activists. YIIM is also open and welcoming to all forms of cooperation and support from all backgrounds.

Greetings Inspiration! 

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Chief Executive

Maria Dewi Yanti S.Par


YIIM in cooperation with Insight Investments Management Company Provide Scholarships to LPP Yogyakarta Polytechnic Students