The Foundation for Inspiration of Indonesia Development or known as Yayasan Inspirasi Indonesia Membangun (YIIM) in cooperation with Insight Investment Management Company in collaboration with Bung Karno University (UBK) held computer training for inmates or former inmates at the Class 1 Central Jakarta Correctional Center (BAPAS).
This training is aimed at providing computer knowledge and skills to inmates at the Class 1 Correctional Center in Central Jakarta. The aim of this program is to equip participants with abilities that can increase their employment opportunities and computer skills after being released from prison by providing an overview of the use of basic computer tools and applications.
This program was held on 17-18 October 2023 at the BAPAS Class 1 office in Central Jakarta located at Percetakan Negara Street VIII No 54, RT 08/RW 04, Rawasari Village, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta. This activity was opened by remarks from YIIM, Insight, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Bung Karno University and Head of the Central Jakarta Class 1 Correctional Center. In the remarks delivered by Mr. Chrisbiantoro as Chair of the YIIM Management, he said that.
This training presented trainers from academic circles at the Faculty of Computer Science, Bung Karno University, consisting of Mr. Alexius Ulan Bani, S.T., M.Kom, as Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Bung Karno University, Mr. Yoga Listi Prambodo, S.Kom., M.Kom, Lecturer in Computer Science and Mr. Asruddin, S.Kom., M.Kom as lecturer in computer science.
“YIIM and Insight have a high priority in increasing community economic independence. We fully realize the urgency in providing skills to clients in correctional centers to encourage their independence. Through this training, we hope that our fellow inmates can explore their potential as a viable business opportunity in the future."
Apart from that, Mr. Alexius as Dean of FIKOM UBK in his speech said: “As academics, we believe our job is not only to teach in the classroom, but also to support our colleagues in correctional facilities. Motivation to learn is not only limited to formal environments, but can come from various sources, even from the use of computers.” This activity was officially opened by Mr. Bambang Maryanto as Head of the Class 1 Central Jakarta Correctional Center. In his speech he said: “We believe that strong collaboration between various parties is the main key to inmates independence and success. Support from stakeholders, including the government, community and related institutions, not only strengthens the rehabilitation program, but also provides assurance for our clients to start a new chapter. Let continue to work together in holding useful training activities.
Apart from that, Mr. Muhammad Isnaeni Setiawan as CSR Coordinator of Insight also gave a speech. In his speech, he said, We are proud to be able to contribute to training for correctional clients so that this program can run well with our partner, namely YIIM. This activity is in line with Insight's spirit, regarding on every investment we manage must have a positive social impact.
This program is also part of YIIM and Insight's commitment to support Sustainable Development Goal Number 8, regarding on Decent Work and Economic Growth and Number 17, regarding on Partnership to Achieve Goals and is a form of PT Insight's Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL). It is hoped that this program can inspire various broader elements who care about economic and social empowerment to improve community welfare.
Inspiration Greetings!