On Thursday, October 31, 2024, the Foundation of Inspiration for Indonesia Development or known As Yayasan Inspirasi Indonesia Membangun (YIIM) supported by Insight Investments Management Company (Insight IM) held a social entrepreneurship training program for cooking skills for various “viral” snacks for underprivileged communities and friends with disabilities.
Cooking skills have promising economic opportunities and potential for the community, especially small communities in urban and rural areas. The high interest of Indonesian people in food can be a promising economic prospect for creative entrepreneurs.
One of the great spirits of the YIIM Cooking Training program is providing training participants with the skills to create dishes that are easy to make and competitive in the market. Through theoretical training and hands-on practice in processing raw materials. Starting from the selection of basic ingredients, introduction to basic menu techniques, also taught the calculation of the cost of goods sold (HPP) for each recipe, as well as discussions and questions and answers.
The training event was held at YIIM Office located at Grand Wijaya Center Street Block F/62B, RT.6/RW.1, Pulo Village, Kebayoran Baru District, South Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, which was held from 10:00 WIB to 15:30 WIB. The total participants who attended the training were 14 people with backgrounds consisting of underprivileged communities and friends with disabilities (mute).
The cooking trainers were Ambar Yuliasiwi as the main trainer and Susilawati Muryani Berlian as the assistant trainer. The activity began with an opening speech from Riccana Rosita as the Treasurer and representative of the YIIM management. She conveyed, “YIIM has been established for 10 years and one of our flagship programs is social entrepreneurship training with various skills, one of which is cooking skills. We hope that the participants can make good use of this training to gain knowledge, experience, and apply it by becoming independent entrepreneurs. So far, YIIM has also been supported by our partner Insight IM in organizing these programs.”
After the welcoming speech, it was continued with hands-on cooking practice, the training was led by Ambar Yuliasiwi as a trainer. The training participants were divided into five groups. The first session, the trainer taught how to make aci kejepit and mini spring rolls. The second session taught cassava stick and marie sesame menus. Each menu taught started from the introduction of raw materials to the processing techniques.
During the event, participants were very interactive and also gave many questions directly to the trainer team. In addition, participants were also given the opportunity to practice working on all training menus.
Furthermore, Debbi Maelani, one of the training participants, said, “Thank you to YIIM and Insight IM who have provided us with cooking skills training.
Hopefully this training can provide us with knowledge and inspiration to become more independent.” This program is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 1 on ending poverty, number 8 on decent work and economic growth, and number 10 on reducing inequality.
This program is a manifestation of YIIM and Insight IM’s commitment through the distribution of social funds that can bring positive socio-economic impacts to the community.
YIIM is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people from various backgrounds, founded by social and humanitarian activists. To realize this goal, YIIM is open and willing to accept all forms of cooperation from all backgrounds so that it can be distributed to beneficiaries in need.
Greetings of inspiration!