Tutik Sri Wahyuni was born on 10th August 1976 in Sukoharjo, Central Java, she is currently 76 years old, she lives in Rawalumbu, Bekasi. Currently she has three children, two of whom have graduated from college, while the other is still at school. Mrs. Tutiks husband works as a concrete beton mixer driver for road construction with an income of IDR. 4,000,000/month. In between her routine as a housewife, Mrs. Tutik also helps her relative who has a wardrobe wedding business under the name of Nindya wedding, Mrs. Tutik usually helps with the wedding dress fitting process and the bridal entourage.
Interest in culinary
Her husbands income of IDR.4000.000 per month encouraged her to take part in meeting the familys needs. She opened an order for rice boxes which until now is still promoted by word of mouth. Yes, I usually offer whether its okay or not if i provide the rice box.
She got the information about frozen food training from the Bekasi City BKMM administrators. She decided to register in order take part in the frozen food training and wanted to get the information and innovation about the food menu.
This training increases her knowledge and expand her relation. Her impression after participating in frozen food training is that she knows the techniques for storing food properly so that raw materials and food remain in fresh condition. Because I attended Frozen Food training yesterday, I know what is meant by vacuum sealer. Mrs. Tutik also shared her opportunities and experiences as a training alumni whose role was to provide food for participants in financial literacy training events.
Initially the committee from BKMM Bekasi City were asked if any of the alumni could provide food, then Mrs. Tutik welcomed the opportunity and agreed to provide 100 boxes of food. On that occasion, the menu provided by Mrs. Tutik was Teriyaki Capcay meat, chili sauce, tofu cakes and fruit. , the profit obtained from the business of receiving rice box orders can be from IDR. 5,00,000 up to IDR. 1,000,000 according to the order. Mrs. Tutik said that she hasn't made much profit, but the catering ordering business, which Mrs. Tutik hasnt branded yet, is enough to help meet the familys needs.
In order to following YIIM and INSIGHT training series from the Frozen food social entrepreneurship training and being a food provider during the pastry baking training and the opportunity to take part in literacy and management training made me gain experience, get to know many new acquaintances, thank God, from there I was able to get a lot of good orders.
Inspiration Greetings!