Training the Prospective Micro and Small Barber Entrepreneurs: INSIGHT and YIIM Collaborate to organized Hybrid Barber Technique Training

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Training the Prospective Micro and Small Barber Entrepreneurs: INSIGHT and YIIM Collaborate to organized Hybrid Barber Technique Training

On Thursday 19th October 2023, the Foundation of Inspiration for Indonesia Development or known as Yayasan Inspirasi Indonesia Membangun (YIIM) and Insight Investments Management Company (INSIGHT) have organized hair cutting training or what is known as barbershop training. This training was carried out through a series of stages, begin with the online stage followed with the offline stage.

Online training was carried out through zoom meeting. This online barbershop training was open for public and attended by 30 participants. The participants are came from various professional backgrounds, gender and age, including private workers, boarding house keepers, coffee shop keepers, retirees (elderly), students and housewives. The age range of participants were from 25 to 55 years old, including (24 male participants) and (6 female participants).

This training took place at 14.00 to 16.00 WIB, begin with an opening from YIIM management, followed by an online training learning agreement, which was read by the committee to the participants. Then continued with the module given by training team, this series of barbershop training was guided by trainers, they are Syaifulloh as the Owner of Maxximal Barbershop and Mr. Ageng Patmoko as the Owner of Optima 73 Barber Shop.

This online training method is guided by providing training modules to participants, as well as direct practical tutorials using human models. The material provided in this training includes, introduction to barber equipment, basic barber theory (stages of barber work, SOP, introduction to hair and facial styles, and determining hair fashion designs) and introduction to barber tools. Followed by discussion of questions and answers. Before starting a series of barbershop training, both online and offline participants are required to fill out a pretest sheet, in order to monitor and find out the extent of the participants’ understanding regarding barber techniques. All participants in this online barbershop training receive an online barbershop training certificate.

The barbershop training series continued at the offline stage, the training was held for 5 days Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October 2023 and was held at YIIM Office located in the Grand Wijaya Center Block F/62B, South Jakarta. Participants in this training were the same participants who have taken part in previous online training sessions and have gone through a selection and interview process conducted by the committee. They are asked to show their willingness and full commitment to take part in training for five consecutive days, from 09.00 to 15.30 each day. After going through a selection and interview process, the offline barbershop training was attended by 11 participants, consisting of 10 male participants and 1 female participant.

The offline barbershop training activity began with a speech delivered by the Chairman of the YIIM management, Mr. Chrisbiantoro, who conveyed that this training is a form of YIIM and INSIGHT’s commitment to supporting empowerment and strengthening the community’s economy. We hope that fellow participants can fully participate in this training until it is finished, thus the material and knowledge obtained can be fully and usefully applied to the surrounding community in the future in order to strengthen the family economy, through the skills that you already have.

During the offline training, participants received a complete module on barbershop-style hair cutting techniques prepared by trainers with the Foundation of Inspiration for Indonesia Development (YIIM). The training material includes an introduction to the barber profession, hair cutting equipment and techniques, the practice of cutting hair using various methods, the use of tools such as clippers, trimmers and saw blade scissors, as well as the application of professional ethics. Apart from the module, participants also received a goody bag containing stationery and a tumbler, and were reimbursed for transportation costs. At the closing session, participants received offline barbershop training certificates from the Indonesian Inspiration Building Foundation as appreciation for their participation and efforts during the training.

This program is also part of YIIM and Insight’s commitment to supporting Sustainable Development Goal Number 8 regarding on Decent Work and Economic Growth, and is a form of Insight’s Company Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL). We hope that this program can inspire various broader elements who care about economic and social empowerment to improve community welfare.

Inspiration Greetings!

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Maria Dewi Yanti S.Par


Training the Prospective Micro and Small Barber Entrepreneurs: INSIGHT and YIIM Collaborate to organized Hybrid Barber Technique Training