
Total of Beneficiaries



Beneficiaries in twelve provinces



Implementation programs 2019-2023


The Foundation for Inspiration of Indonesia Development or abbreviated as YIIM is a non-profit organization established under the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (HAM)Number.: AHU-3042.AH.01.04.Year 2014, on June 06, 2014. YIIM carries out the mandate of collecting, managing and utilizing social funds and is dedicated to building community independence with inspiration of care, tolerance and economic values.

This foundation is independent, serving community, self-sufficient and does not favor the interests of certain groups or political groups. In program activities, the foundation cooperates with large community through the collection of social funds and non-binding community contributions and any other sources of funds, one of which is donations through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

YIIM in carrying out the program is supported by many parties including YIIM program beneficiaries, a network of volunteers from all over Indonesia, the media, donors and any other institutions, both government and private, that have a concern for the advancement of Indonesian development. As a non-profit organization, YIIM is managed by professional management and routinely closes the program’s budget book per year which always conducts a comprehensive audit by credible and accountable auditors through transparent, interest-free appointment by the standards of public auditors.

Not in favor of certain groups and political interests.

Public has the right to know about program activities and benefits

No differentiate ethnic groups, religions, races, and groups.

Public has the right to monitor program activities and benefits

Partner of YIIM

Entrepreneurship Management Training for Former Terrorist Covicts and Ordinary Crimes of Correction Bureau Class I Malang

On 28th – 29th March 2022 as many as 15 prisoners (Correctional Inmates/WBP) participated in the Entrepreneurship Management Training which took place in the hall of Correction Bureau of Class I Malang (BAPAS kelas 1 Malang), East Java. Seven prisoners are high risk ex-convicts of terrorism crimes who are undergoing guidance at the Correction Bureau Malang.

This training program is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) numbers 1, 2, 8, 10, 16 and 17 which have been proclaimed by the government as Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2017 concerning Implementation of the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.



Pelatihan Bercocok Tanam Sayuran secara Hidroponik

Yayasan Inspirasi Indonesia Membangun (YIIM) bersama Pertamina Training and Consulting, …

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Pelatihan Memasak “Frozen Food”

Masyarakat Indonesia saat ini lebih menyukai makanan yang praktis, ekonomis, …

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Pelatihan Barista Online

Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas terbesar yang diekspor oleh Indonesia. …

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Distribution of programs of yiim